
How To Implement The New Email Template You Designed

The best way to sympathise whatsoever process is to carry information technology out yourself, from the basis up. Today, we're going to practise just that with email blueprint, by edifice a simple HTML e-mail template from scratch.

"The sooner you cease fighting the quirks of email, the sooner you tin can use them to your advantage." – Caity G. O'Connor

Pop HTML Electronic mail Templates on Envato Elements

If you lot're looking for a gear up-made, professional solution, grab i of our popular HTML email templates on Envato Elements. Nosotros have hundreds of responsive options all included with your Elements membership, with like shooting fish in a barrel-to-customize features to go you started.

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Pop HTML electronic mail templates on Envato Elements

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For a limited fourth dimension, your first month on Envato Elements is costless. And so you can spend 30 days downloading every bit many email templates as you desire, without paying a cent. Plus you tin download stock images, fonts, graphics, and other professional person blueprint resources to make your mail newsletters look crawly. You merely pay if y'all decide to proceed by the kickoff month.

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To make sure you lot get your thirty-day free trial, you'll need to sign up using this special link or enter the following code on the sign-up page:


Not what you're looking for? No problem, this tutorial will teach you how to build your ain!

The HTML Email Template We're Edifice

Here'due south the HTML email nosotros'll exist building, experience gratuitous to fork the pen and use it yourself. Bear in mind that when we're viewing this template through a spider web browser we're much less likely to see problems than with email clients.

i. Brainstorm Your HTML E-mail Document

To begin with, it'south worth mentioning where I pulled some of the resources from.

  • The lovely 2D icons are by Justicon on Envato Elements
  • The social media icons are from Metrize Icons

Now, as nosotros discussed in the previous tutorial, you'll need to begin your HTML e-mail template with an HTML doctype, and the correct language for your subscribers. In this example we are going to utilise the HTML5 doctype, set our language to English language with <html lang="en">, and also include the XML and Microsoft Office namespaces (the xmlns bits). Nosotros are going to need these a few lines downward, as I'll explicate.

There are quite a few things in the code above, only it's the blank minimum you demand to ensure your last email renders beautifully everywhere.

Firstly, nosotros have a few meta tags to ensure the right text encoding, viewport scaling across different mobile devices, and one to stop Apple from adjusting the size in a strange way in their mail apps.

Underneath the <title></title> tag you lot'll encounter some code betwixt <!--[if mso]> and <![endif]-->. Placing lawmaking within those ii tags means that only Microsoft Outlook on Windows will apply it (mso = 'Grandicrodue southofttimesOutlook'). And in at that place, we have a pocket-size amount of XML that will ensure that PNG images display at the right size in Outlook on Windows. The xlmns settings that we put in the html tag ensures this code gets interpreted properly.

Underneath that, we take a fashion tag with just a couple of CSS rules. The first sets the font for all our main elements, and this is for the do good of Gmail webmail, which volition override our font settings unless nosotros include this. If you end upwards irresolute your fonts later, be sure to brand the alter hither too.

Finally, we are including table, td {border:2px solid #000000 !important;} which volition draw a edge on everything. This is purely and then that we can see what nosotros are doing equally nosotros build, and we'll remove information technology at the finish.

With that sorted, nosotros tin can commence building the rest of the structure.

2. Create the Body and Main Table

First, nosotros'll add an overall structure for our email, starting with a <body> tag. Add the code below directly underneath the </head> tag:

You can see the margin and padding on the body tag are set to zilch to avoid whatever unexpected space.

We've also added a table with a width of 100%. This acts as a true body tag for our e-mail, because the trunk tag is sometimes removed by email clients. Apply any 'body' background colour that yous want to this tabular array tag.

All our tables will be prepare to role="presentation". This makes them more accessible, as it tells screen readers to treat it as a visual table, not a data table.

We have set edge-collapse to collapse, and both edge and border-spacing to zero to avoid whatever unexpected space in the table.

You lot'll observe we are using <td align="eye">, and if you're already familiar with HTML you might be wondering why, since marshal is actually a deprecated HTML property. We apply it because electronic mail clients vary so widely in their level of CSS support, and oft nosotros yet demand to utilize deprecated HTML to ensure everything displays properly everywhere. In this instance, it is because Outlook for Windows does non obey margin:0 auto; in CSS to center things.

Finally, make sure you always set the padding on your table cells to zero in the inline styles, eastward.thou. <td style="padding:0;">, otherwise email clients will all add their own amount of padding. When we do add padding ourselves, we can adjust this value, but if there is no padding to be applied to whatsoever of the sides, you must explicitly set it to zero.

Our first HTML email layout section Our first HTML email layout section Our first HTML email layout section

A Notation on Using CSS Padding Shorthand

When using CSS padding on table cells, you tin can reliably write it iii ways. Either specify 1 value, e.g. padding:20px which will apply 20 pixels of padding to every side of your cell (top, correct, lesser and left), or specify padding in pairs, i.e. padding: 10px 20px, which volition add x pixels padding to both tiptop and lesser, plus 20 pixels to both left and correct. If neither of those are suitable, you should declare every side, i.eastward.padding: 10px 10px 0 5px. In all cases you must ready each value, even if some of them are zero. Additionally, only specifying 3 values tin can have unpredictable results across e-mail clients.

Padding works reliably on table cells in all electronic mail clients, simply if y'all are having trouble with padding, there is no need to resort to spacer GIFs. In a compression you tin use spacer divs or spacer cells. Just include a non-breaking infinite character (&nbsp;) inside, fix a matchingheight andline height, and be sure to includemso-line-height-rule:exactly which will ensure Microsoft Outlook for Windows renders it at the pixel-perfect size. (If you are creating horizontal infinite, you need to specify awidth instead of height, and may need to also addfont-size:0;.) Hither is an example or a spacer cell inside a row:

And hither is a spacer div:

Adding the Main Table

Now permit's identify a table of 602 pixels wide inside the container table.

600 pixels is a safety maximum width for your emails to display comfortably within most desktop and webmail clients on nearly screen resolutions, and we're adding 2 pixels then nosotros tin have a 1 pixel border around the outside, which adds a pixel on either side.

Nosotros'll supervene upon our little 'Hi!' greeting with this tabular array.

Great! Now we accept our outer tabular array, and our master content table sitting inside, set up for some rows of content.

The container table for our HTML email layout The container table for our HTML email layout The container table for our HTML email layout

three. Create the HTML Email Template Construction and Header

In our electronic mail design we can see that the layout is divided into a few logical sections, so we'll create a row for each.

Let's duplicate the unmarried row in the terminal tabular array we added then that we accept three in full, past copying everything between (and including) the <tr> and </tr> and pasting information technology two times underneath.

I've changed the 'Hello!' text to read Row 1, Row 2 and Row 3 so information technology should at present look like this:

Extra rows in our HTML email layout Extra rows in our HTML email layout Extra rows in our HTML email layout

Now we'll color them according to the design by calculation a background CSS property to the fashion tag. Always remember to use the full six characters of a hexadecimal lawmaking like #ffffff, as three character shorthand similar #fff won't always piece of work in all email clients.

Colored rows Colored rows Colored rows

Ok, next up in our email pattern we're going to focus on Row 1. On the cell, allow'southward alter the padding from 0 to 40px 0 30px 0. Then within the prison cell we'll insert our image:

Always specify the width of your images using the HTML width attribute rather than CSS, thousand. width="300" equally seen above, rather than manner="width:300px;". If you don't, Microsoft Outlook for Windows will display your image at its physical size.

Nosotros accept also ready the image acme to motorcar to avoid any squishing, and display to cake, which prevents gaps from appearing underneath information technology in some e-mail clients.

Finally, if your paradigm contains important information that isn't mentioned in your email's text, be sure to add together a description of it to the alt tag then that it will be announced by screen readers to those using them.

Note: Images don't always load and alt text isn't always visually displayed as a fallback, so any crucial information should always be included every bit live text in your email rather than being embedded in an image.

And that's our HTML header done!

The html email header along with image The html email header along with image The html email header along with image

4. Create the Content Expanse

Moving on from the header, let'southward now concentrate on our HTML email's content expanse. First off, nosotros'll add some padding to the Row two'south prison cell and so that the table inside has some infinite around it, as per our design, then that it now looks like this:

Added padding to the middle cell Added padding to the middle cell Added padding to the middle cell
Added padding to the middle cell

Now we'll replace the 'Row 2' text with some other table to nest our main content inside. When building HTML email using tables, we need to nest them because colspan and rowspan are not widely supported beyond electronic mail clients.

We've gear up the width of this table to 100%. It'south good practice to utilize percentage widths rather than using a pixel value wherever possible considering this will help you further down the track if you want to brand your email responsive, or even if you lot simply need to adjust the width of your email later on. Percentage widths will automatically arrange to a new container size, whereas pixel widths would all need to be individually updated.

Two nested rows for our main content Two nested rows for our main content Two nested rows for our main content
Ii nested rows for our main content

Now we'll add together our content to the top row, which is a heading, a paragraph of text, and a final paragraph with a link inside. At this stage, we aren't adding any styling at all to these elements.

Added content and padding to the top row Added content and padding to the top row Added content and padding to the top row

Replace the 'Row 1' text with the following:

Adjacent nosotros're going to add our two columns of content to Row 2. Because we want a gap in betwixt these two cells, we'll create a 3-column tabular array with an empty cell between the two outer columns. There are a few ways to create this layout, but this one is the most reliable for our purposes.

Equally much every bit I like to stick to percentages, when you take content that is a specific size, it can exist tricky to convert it to a percent (in this example, the columns would be 48.1% which could go disruptive). For this reason, since our two images are 260px broad, we'll create columns that are also 260px wide, with a 20px margin cell in the middle. (This will total 540px, which is the 600px width of our table minus the padding of 30px on either side.) Be sure to cipher your font-size and line-meridian and add a not-breaking space graphic symbol &nbsp; in the eye cell.

We'll also set the vertical-marshal to top for both cells and then that they volition vertically align to the top, fifty-fifty if i column has more text than the other. The default vertical alignment ismiddle.

Replace 'Row 2' with this table:

Two columns to content row two Two columns to content row two Two columns to content row two

Now let'southward add our images and content to those columns. Margins are very well supported on <p> tags across all email clients, so we will wrap our text and images in <p> tags and adjust the spacing between them using margin later when we add together all our text styling.

Let's add together content to Columns ane and 2 so that the whole table now looks like this:

Here we've gear up the width of the images using the HTML width attribute over again, just like we did when we inserted the header image.

Images in the columns Images in the columns Images in the columns
Images in the columns

5. Style the Email Template Footer

At present we'll add together our padding to the footer row.

Padding to the footer row Padding to the footer row Padding to the footer row
Padding to the footer row

Inside that cell, we'll replace the 'Row 3' text with another tabular array to get two columns, each fifty% wide, with the left gear up to marshal="left" and correct to align="right" so that the content in each will be pinned to those sides and give usa a balanced email blueprint.

Two columns for the footer Two columns for the footer Two columns for the footer
2 columns for the footer

Supplant 'Left Column' with a paragraph of text:

We'll create some other little table for our social media icons, as information technology'southward the best way to get the most precise spacing that renders properly everywhere. Supersede the 'Correct Column' text with the tabular array below.

You'll detect we aren't specifying a table width, and this is and then that the width of the table will be determined by the cells within. They are each 38px wide (the width of our icons) plus 10px padding on the left.

Table for social media icons Table for social media icons Table for social media icons
Table for social media icons

And at that place nosotros have it; our HTML email template layout is complete!

6. Style the Text

Styling the text within our HTML e-mail template is a really important stride. First, allow's look at the acme row of content with our h1 and introductory text.

Important Annotation when using Paragraph and Heading Tags

When using paragraph and heading tags (p, h1, h2, etc.) you must specify your pinnacle and bottom margin settings, otherwise each email customer will employ their ain wildly dissimilar default margins to these elements. You also need to brand sure your acme and bottom margins are set up to zero if yous don't want any at all, in which case you would set your heading to margin:0;. If you only desire a lesser margin, you should still prepare the top margin to zero, e.g. margin:0 0 10px 0;.

With that in heed, we'll set our desired margins on all our tags, and we also want to set the text colour to exist #153643, which nosotros can utilize to the cell, as everything within will inherit that colour. Afterwards these changes, the whole cell looks like this:

Yous'll notice above that we have besides set thefont-family on every individual h1 and p element, and you lot might be wondering why we tin can't just gear up this on the trunk or table tag. This is because some webmail clients will override your font if you don't set them inline on each paragraph or heading element. There are other considerations and approaches to this issue, merely for simplicity's sake and to ensure our email renders perfectly everywhere at this stage, we will set information technology inline on each element.

Now, moving downwards to our two-column area, add the color to each of the 260px wide cells and then that they both look like this:

As above, we'll add together some text styling and margins to our paragraphs and links, and set a base font size to the entire table. All together, the table now looks like this:

Finally, nosotros'll way the footer. Firstly, we'll add together some font styling to the chief footer table, inside our carmine footer prison cell with the 30px padding, then that it now reads:

In the left column of this tabular array, we can update our paragraph and link to include style and colour:

And on our social media icons, we'll style each link to be white, so that if the images don't load, whatever alt text will be visible on the ruby background. Adapt each link so that they look like this:


Almost there Almost there Almost there
Almost there!

And in that location we take it! Everything is in.

7. Run Some Tests

At this point, it's a skilful idea to run your HTML code through an email testing service like Litmus, or Email on Acid. Leaving the borders on all the tables and cells tin can exist helpful to see what's happening in each email customer. (Depending on how y'all are testing your email, you might demand to remotely host your images first, and insert the full remote URLs for each image into your code. Refer to your testing service's website to learn how to test your HTML.)

Here are some of my test results from Email on Acid:

Now it's time to turn off the borders and encounter the e-mail design looking beautiful. In the style tag in the head, remove the line that reads:

Borders turned off Borders turned off Borders turned off
Borders turned off

And that'due south it!

Y'all've Created a Simple HTML Email!

Earlier nosotros phone call information technology a day, if yous accept used any comments in your CSS in the caput of your file for any reason, get rid of them. Some e-mail clients tin can asphyxiate on CSS comments and then it's wisest not to include them.

Now is a good time to practice a final exam with Litmus, or Email on Acid, so your HTML e-mail is ready to send!

Download Electronic mail Templates

If you need more options, then one of our responsive email templates may be just what you need. Subscribe to Envato Elements and you lot'll be given unlimited admission to hundreds of customizable email templates, as well equally stock photography, icons, graphics, and many other creative avails for your projects.

Learn More than About HTML Email

To take what you've learned to the next level! Check out our Mastering HTML Email learning guide for more tutorials on HTML email templates, email pattern, coding responsive e-mail, accessibility, marketing, transactional email, electronic mail service providers (ESPs), development workflow tips, and more!


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